I had to take sick leave today

And for some reason I feel a little bit guilty for doing so

Date: August 23 2024

Feeling: Literally sick and tired 😷

It's flu season here and it looks like I breathed in one too many flu particles... I've been sick since Tuesday but for something compelled me to keep showing up to the office to do work.

I think it's a combination of

I never really pegged myself to be the kind who would worry about all three of these things. I need to re-evaluate how I treat my body and how much of myself I want to give to my work, I think, especially since it hasn't even been 3 months since I started working full time. If this is how far I'd go with stakes this low, how far would I take things if and when I'm higher up the ladder?

Relevant ITYSL bit

At least I discovered my company's health insurance benefits are pretty cool. 😅

Take care of yourself,,

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